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Logan's Shadow For PC

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was hands-down one of the tightest shooters that ever graced the PSP and went down a storm with fans of Gabe Logan's espionage adventures so it was inevitable that the super agent would make a second appearance.

Second time out not much has changed from what went before. Controls and camera manoeuvres are still as tight as ever, while developer Sony Bend has gone and added a hefty slew of new components to the gameplay making this a successor that succeeds in every way. Quite simply: this is one of the best damn games we have ever played on PSP.

Gabe now comes complete with a regenerative suit that replenishes health once you find safety behind cover. Throw in the newfound ability to blind-fire from behind walls and crates, some spanking new swimming missions and a novel grapple system that requires some quick time executions to pull off successfully and Gabe's moves and abilities have been retooled brilliantly by the stellar dev team.

Tortuous plotting
As per usual, the story is spellbindingly twisted, with a narrative to match that of a first rate Hollywood espionage thrill ride thanks to penciling duties from bigshot comic book scribe, Greg Rucka (he worked on Wonder Woman) and regular story scribe John Garvin.

Just wait until the game sucker punches you with its cracking cliff-hangar ending. Action has been ramped up too so you won't get much time to revel in sneak attacks and crunching neck-breaks, instead you'll be too busy ducking for cover, unleashing blind-fire and waiting for those face-to-face moments where a swift melee stab can clear the way.

Graphically Logan's Shadow betters its prequel with a cleaner HUD and sharper visuals and with the slick multiplayer modes from the previous game all making an appearance (Deathmatch, Rogue Agent and Team Deathmatch) plus two new modes, Retrieval (basically Capture The Flag) and Sabotage (a new spin on Objective mode from Dark Mirror) you get a lot of bang for our buck. It's rammed. Recommended highly...

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